Today in class we were given a 100 rupees each and asked to do a random act of kindness.
I did something that made ME happy before anybody else!
A few weeks back, I'd visited a group of street kids near my place
who, despite being immensely poor, had an incredible will to study and
go to school. There's a man called Gulab Rajput who very often gives
them school supplies and the look on the kids' faces was priceless. I
wanted to do something similar provided I ever got a chance.
Today I did. I made packets of pencils, erasers and sharpners, wrapped
them up in colourful packing and, along with a pack of parle-g
biscuits each, went around in Fatehgunj and distributed it among kids
from humble families who went to school. I distributed some to a
family of 7 kids who study under a street light, another with four
kids and 2 toddlers, a press-wala opposite my house who's 2 kids study
at his laari on a slab of stone, and an old lady's 2 grandchildren.
Christmas is my favourite time of the year, and this felt like it-
only this time, I was playing Santa Claus!!! :)
Xmas came early this year! Well Mrs. Claus I am proud of you!