28th February
Nariman point
WARNING: the following post is purely a feminine one, about things that interest only women. If you’re a guy and are still reading this post, do it at your own risk. At the end of it don’t roll your eyes and say, “Women!”
So yesterday was our first Sunday in Mumbai. We’d been waiting for this day even before we came to this city. And it has nothing to do with the fact that this Sunday would mark our one week anniversary here or that we’d get a break from slogging at work. It has everything to do with what girls love most in this world. (Not every girl loves it, but most of them do) It’s a simple word. It’s a simple process. But it gives us immense pleasure and indescribable joy. Its our relief from pain, its our escape from stress, our remedy of a heart break, our medicine from sickness, our solution to every problem, our best friend, our lover, our life: SHOPPING.
Ok. So I sound like a total drama queen and you think I’m fit to star in those silly chick flicks like Legally Blonde and Sex and the City. But even though those of you out there who don’t enjoy shopping like me and my friends do, shopping in Mumbai is a different experience all together. And not those big store Prada-Gucci-Christian Dior shopping, mind you. It’s street shopping. And those of you, who come from smaller cities like me, will understand how much fun this experience can be. And how amazing it is when you don’t have to hunt for the things you want, but in fact have a wide variety to choose from.
So we were just two of us in Mumbai this weekend, and since we’d been waiting to go out shopping since forever, our friends not being home didn’t stop us from venturing out on our own.
We headed for Causeway in Colaba, since I’d had a glimpse of it last Monday when I’d gone to Mondy’s with a friend. Plus I’d heard great things about the place.
So from about 1 in the afternoon till about 6 in the evening, we rambled the streets of Causeway in the hot sun and crowded lanes, ignoring the loud noises, the sweaty people and our growling tummies (only for while though). The place, for us, is what Disney Land is for kids. There were clothes of every colour, shape, size, make, design, fabric, length, occasion, time of the day, part of your body (and I could go on).
Not to mention gorgeous footwear at an exceptional price. My friend and I went absolutely crazy! We tried to keep a control on each other and kept telling each other that it’s the first day of shopping, we’ll be back soon. So we don’t need to buy everything right then and no need to spend every rupee we had in our pockets. And even though we knew that, we still couldn’t help seeing all the things and going gaga over it all.
But I have to say, I’m proud of us. We didn’t buy unnecessary things (not entirely unnecessary things) neither did we spend all of our money. We bargained with all our might and self respect and bought good things for ourselves and our respective sisters. (It’s so easy to shop for girls. You know what’ll make them happy. Unlike shopping for guys, which is next to impossible)
So, without spending too much time on this post, I’d like give a few tips for those who decide to go shopping at Causeway:
• It’s a good idea to buy clothes and footwear here
• Jewelry is unnecessarily expensive ( will look for a cheaper alternative)
• Just because the seller tells you that his clothes are Remanika discards, and hence are expensive, don’t fall for it. Quote your price. If he’s sensible he’ll sell it to you. Both of you know that if you wanted to shop at Remanika prices, you would go to Remanika
• Just like all that glitters is not gold, all that is priced less is not of the greatest quality. You might find stalls that sell clothes/footwear at unbelievably low prices, but check twice before you buy it. There is a reason its being sold at a cheaper price
Another fun thing we did yesterday while we were out shopping was we went to see the Taj Palace, the Gateway of India and the marina. We acted like complete tourists, took pictures of the boats, the Gateway and the Taj and of ourselves with all these things in the backdrop.
All in all, we had a typical ‘girlie’ day, and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Back to work on Monday, yet looking forward to next Sunday too.
PS: i forgot to add one thing. We were on our way back to Churchgate station when it just struck me that I hadn't gone for mass (it was a Sunday) So Churchgate being the most obvious choice, we began hunting for the 'church' at Churchgate. We saw one, with a huge statue of Jesus on one of the towers. We crossed the street and saw the exit to the church. There sat a policeman, surrounded by a wall of sacks (filled with I don't know what) and a long rifle pointing towards the street. We asked him politely, "are we allowed to go inside the church?and where's the entrance to it?" He looked puzzled for a moment, and then with a smile he said, "Madam, yeh toh High Court hai, church nai." (Madam, this is the High Court, not a church)
So much for wanting to be holy for a change.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
LIVE from Mumbai V
26th February
I sit here alone at my malad flat. Two of my friends have headed for home for the weekend and one of my friends is on her way from work. So I thought I’ll get some writing done while I have the time and the internet access.
I haven’t written about my day yesterday and the day before. So let me fill you in.
24th February
Nariman Point
Today I finally took advantage of my office being at one of the most picturesque locations in Mumbai. After staring at the computer screen since morning I was totally fed up. No one was at work. My boss and colleagues were not in office and I took the opportunity and went out for a walk.
I took directions for NCPA (The National Centre of Performing Arts) from the security and headed there. After taking permissions from the receptionist and concerned parties for allowing me to look around the campus, I went around the huge building. As I was walking, this middle aged guy comes walking besides me and asks me if I’ve seen the main auditorium. And I told him that it’s my first time at NCPA and my fourth day or so in Mumbai. He told me that they’re recording for Saturday’s concert and I could watch if I wanted. I thanked him and followed him. On the way, he asked me where I was from, what I was doing etc I told him and in turn asked him who he was. He told me his name was Cyrus Bharucha. Somewhere in my head a tiny bell rang, but not as loud as I now wish it had.
Anyway, we reached the main auditorium and as soon as I stepped in it took my breath away. It was the largest hall I’d ever seen. A magnificent chandelier hung from the middle of the seating area and tiny lights were reflected off numerous glass panels above the stage. On the stage itself, were over 25 non-Indians with every musical instrument imaginable. And the music they made left me speechless, and brought a smile to my face. They were incredible. I’d never been to a live orchestra before. Never like this one atleast. Even during rehearsals they played with such passion. I wish I could’ve stayed there forever, but I had to leave. I got up and went to thank Cyrus. I asked him for his contact number and he handed me his visiting card and told me to keep in touch. I told him I would and left with a smile. People in Mumbai were turning out to be nicer than I’d thought.
After that I decided to go for a walk around marine lines. Or something that resembles the place. I think it leads to marine drive. Anyway, I walked for around an hour, thoroughly enjoying the wind and the sea. I met a lot of people on my walk, spoke to them for little while, took many pictures, and felt that life couldn’t get any better. In that one hour, I met every kind of person I could meet in a lifetime. I met two little beggar kids, a mother and her toddler son, a tonga wala, a young couple, a tourist guy, a ‘sadhu’, and so many other people. I didn’t want to leave, but I’d been out for over an hour and I had to get back to work.
I left marine lines, but only after promising that I’d be back for sure. There was a lot I hadn’t seen yet and I wanted all of it.
Back at my desk, the first thing I did was google Cyrus Bharucha, and I have to be honest, I felt like a complete idiot when I realized who he was. One of the most famous faces of BBC and CNN, he’d been absolutely great with me. No arrogance, no ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ crap. I felt stupid, but I was also amazed by his humility. I’m going to make sure I get back to him.
25th February
Bandra Kurla Complex
I’m sitting here at an International Boating Conference and I’ve never seen so many guys in business suits other than at a Catholic wedding. I’m glad I chose to wear what I’m wearing, so I don’t look completely out of place. But my pink and white striped ballerinas and my cat anklet expose my secret. I’m new at my job and totally out of place. But I’m trying really hard to concentrate at what people are saying. And I’m taking notes as well. My boss is right here and he’s thought of a story to work on for India Today main. Hopefully I’ll get to work on this story. It sounds like a very smart concept and I’ve never worked on anything like this before.
At the Trident here, food is nothing but the best. After a cup of strong coffee and some delicious melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cookies, I’m back at the conference. Things are beginning to make a lot more sense and I’m able to follow the discussion that’s happening. I’ve met a lot of people today, media persons and important delegates. I’m really amazed and proud of how I’ve handled myself with all these important people. Most of the people have seen me always giggling or acting silly or cracking silly jokes. But they would have been proud of the way I’m being. I look, sound and behave almost professional.
Post lunch, (unbelievably crazy dessert) I went for the boat show nearby with my boss and a girl I made friends with from DNA. It was a hilarious ride, in my boss’s 1957 Fiat. He’s a great guy and with the stories I’ve told my friends, they can’t wait to meet him. I had a good time once we got talking. He’s just as new at the Mumbai office as me. But he knows Mumbai like no other.
The boat show was not what I’d hoped it would be. The biggest disappointment was that the boats (one yacht and many speed boats and kayaks) were on LAND. Not on water. So it wasn’t as much fun.
After an hour or so, I go back to Trident, attend the rest of the conference and after tea, I left for home. My boss told me I needn’t go to office since I was working all day and I can enjoy my 2-day weekend.
So I meet my friends at Bandra station and we go to Dahisar to one of my friends’ uncle’s place for dinner.
Had a fun time, and at around midnight, we return home, get ready for bed, and I’m off to sleep.
I sit here alone at my malad flat. Two of my friends have headed for home for the weekend and one of my friends is on her way from work. So I thought I’ll get some writing done while I have the time and the internet access.
I haven’t written about my day yesterday and the day before. So let me fill you in.
24th February
Nariman Point
Today I finally took advantage of my office being at one of the most picturesque locations in Mumbai. After staring at the computer screen since morning I was totally fed up. No one was at work. My boss and colleagues were not in office and I took the opportunity and went out for a walk.
I took directions for NCPA (The National Centre of Performing Arts) from the security and headed there. After taking permissions from the receptionist and concerned parties for allowing me to look around the campus, I went around the huge building. As I was walking, this middle aged guy comes walking besides me and asks me if I’ve seen the main auditorium. And I told him that it’s my first time at NCPA and my fourth day or so in Mumbai. He told me that they’re recording for Saturday’s concert and I could watch if I wanted. I thanked him and followed him. On the way, he asked me where I was from, what I was doing etc I told him and in turn asked him who he was. He told me his name was Cyrus Bharucha. Somewhere in my head a tiny bell rang, but not as loud as I now wish it had.
Anyway, we reached the main auditorium and as soon as I stepped in it took my breath away. It was the largest hall I’d ever seen. A magnificent chandelier hung from the middle of the seating area and tiny lights were reflected off numerous glass panels above the stage. On the stage itself, were over 25 non-Indians with every musical instrument imaginable. And the music they made left me speechless, and brought a smile to my face. They were incredible. I’d never been to a live orchestra before. Never like this one atleast. Even during rehearsals they played with such passion. I wish I could’ve stayed there forever, but I had to leave. I got up and went to thank Cyrus. I asked him for his contact number and he handed me his visiting card and told me to keep in touch. I told him I would and left with a smile. People in Mumbai were turning out to be nicer than I’d thought.
After that I decided to go for a walk around marine lines. Or something that resembles the place. I think it leads to marine drive. Anyway, I walked for around an hour, thoroughly enjoying the wind and the sea. I met a lot of people on my walk, spoke to them for little while, took many pictures, and felt that life couldn’t get any better. In that one hour, I met every kind of person I could meet in a lifetime. I met two little beggar kids, a mother and her toddler son, a tonga wala, a young couple, a tourist guy, a ‘sadhu’, and so many other people. I didn’t want to leave, but I’d been out for over an hour and I had to get back to work.
I left marine lines, but only after promising that I’d be back for sure. There was a lot I hadn’t seen yet and I wanted all of it.
Back at my desk, the first thing I did was google Cyrus Bharucha, and I have to be honest, I felt like a complete idiot when I realized who he was. One of the most famous faces of BBC and CNN, he’d been absolutely great with me. No arrogance, no ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ crap. I felt stupid, but I was also amazed by his humility. I’m going to make sure I get back to him.
25th February
Bandra Kurla Complex
I’m sitting here at an International Boating Conference and I’ve never seen so many guys in business suits other than at a Catholic wedding. I’m glad I chose to wear what I’m wearing, so I don’t look completely out of place. But my pink and white striped ballerinas and my cat anklet expose my secret. I’m new at my job and totally out of place. But I’m trying really hard to concentrate at what people are saying. And I’m taking notes as well. My boss is right here and he’s thought of a story to work on for India Today main. Hopefully I’ll get to work on this story. It sounds like a very smart concept and I’ve never worked on anything like this before.
At the Trident here, food is nothing but the best. After a cup of strong coffee and some delicious melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cookies, I’m back at the conference. Things are beginning to make a lot more sense and I’m able to follow the discussion that’s happening. I’ve met a lot of people today, media persons and important delegates. I’m really amazed and proud of how I’ve handled myself with all these important people. Most of the people have seen me always giggling or acting silly or cracking silly jokes. But they would have been proud of the way I’m being. I look, sound and behave almost professional.
Post lunch, (unbelievably crazy dessert) I went for the boat show nearby with my boss and a girl I made friends with from DNA. It was a hilarious ride, in my boss’s 1957 Fiat. He’s a great guy and with the stories I’ve told my friends, they can’t wait to meet him. I had a good time once we got talking. He’s just as new at the Mumbai office as me. But he knows Mumbai like no other.
The boat show was not what I’d hoped it would be. The biggest disappointment was that the boats (one yacht and many speed boats and kayaks) were on LAND. Not on water. So it wasn’t as much fun.
After an hour or so, I go back to Trident, attend the rest of the conference and after tea, I left for home. My boss told me I needn’t go to office since I was working all day and I can enjoy my 2-day weekend.
So I meet my friends at Bandra station and we go to Dahisar to one of my friends’ uncle’s place for dinner.
Had a fun time, and at around midnight, we return home, get ready for bed, and I’m off to sleep.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
LIVE from Mumbai IV
24 February 2011,
Jolly Maker Chambers II
Nariman Point
Yesterday on my way back home I learnt two things and I wish to make those corrections about what I earlier said about Mumbai. One, Mumbai isn’t all about glamour and the elite (just because I saw that side of Mumbai first doesn’t mean the other side doesn’t exist) and two, people do give a damn about others.
I was sitting in the ladies compartment last evening, listening to my music and falling asleep after a long day. I woke up somewhere in the middle when I heard a couple of women screaming at each other. I opened one eye and saw one lady flinging abusives at the other because apparently she’d pushed her or something. I shut my eye without a thought and went back to sleep.
When I reached Andheri, a lot of women got in and among them there was a young beggar boy of about 17 years. He was shabbily dressed and walked with the help of a crutch as he had only one leg. I saw him climb onto the train with difficulty, and then rest against a seat. The train began to move and he turned towards where I was sitting. As my eyes were closing from intense sleep and exhaustion, I suddenly heard a loud ‘thud’. I woke up and saw that the boy had fallen on the floor. He sat there, with his head in his hands. At first everybody only looked in his direction out of concern. Was he hurt? He wasn’t bleeding from anywhere but he did seem to have banged his head somewhere.
After a little while, he struggled to get back on his foot. As he fumbled to hold on the handle above his head, he missed or either felt weak and he came crashing down again, this time right next to my feet. All of us sitting around bent down to help him and made him sit on the seat. People looked around for water to give him. The boy began sobbing out of sheer helplessness and we looked at each other with a sad expression. We didn’t know what he was feeling, but we had some clue. It wasn’t the fact that he was hurt that made him cry. It was the realization that he couldn’t do the simplest of things without people’s help and his poverty only made things worse.
As he sat on the seat quietly, some people offered him whatever food they had, thinking that he was feeling faint and therefore unable to stand up. Someone gave him an apple, one a dairymilk chocolate. He put the things in his bag without a word.
I searched in my bag for something I could give him. Knowing that an apple or sweet won’t fill his stomach, I gave him the only thing I had: a bag filled with dinner that I had packed for my friends back home. I offered it to him telling him that he should eat it otherwise he wont be able to get up. He had to go all the way back to Churchgate and he needed something solid in his stomach.
Once again he put the bag of food in the plastic bag with the apple. People around him told him to eat it then instead of saving it for later. He told them that he had to take it home to his brother because he hadn’t eaten anything for so long.
Nothing anyone would say made him eat. He just took a tiny bite of the apple and then stood up again.
By this time I had got up from my seat to give place to a pregnant lady, and was standing near the door. I saw the boy limp towards the door step. I reached out to help him, but he didn’t need any help. When the next stop came, he got off on his own, and went and sat on the weighing machine on the platform. In a couple of seconds, the train pulled away from the station and began chugging steadily.
I simply looked at the boy, sitting there alone as the mass of humanity that is Mumbai walked on by without a glance in his direction.
Mumbai is home to people of every kind. If you’ve only seen the good, know that there is the sadder side of the story too. And if you think people are only selfish, then there are the good ones too.
Jolly Maker Chambers II
Nariman Point
Yesterday on my way back home I learnt two things and I wish to make those corrections about what I earlier said about Mumbai. One, Mumbai isn’t all about glamour and the elite (just because I saw that side of Mumbai first doesn’t mean the other side doesn’t exist) and two, people do give a damn about others.
I was sitting in the ladies compartment last evening, listening to my music and falling asleep after a long day. I woke up somewhere in the middle when I heard a couple of women screaming at each other. I opened one eye and saw one lady flinging abusives at the other because apparently she’d pushed her or something. I shut my eye without a thought and went back to sleep.
When I reached Andheri, a lot of women got in and among them there was a young beggar boy of about 17 years. He was shabbily dressed and walked with the help of a crutch as he had only one leg. I saw him climb onto the train with difficulty, and then rest against a seat. The train began to move and he turned towards where I was sitting. As my eyes were closing from intense sleep and exhaustion, I suddenly heard a loud ‘thud’. I woke up and saw that the boy had fallen on the floor. He sat there, with his head in his hands. At first everybody only looked in his direction out of concern. Was he hurt? He wasn’t bleeding from anywhere but he did seem to have banged his head somewhere.
After a little while, he struggled to get back on his foot. As he fumbled to hold on the handle above his head, he missed or either felt weak and he came crashing down again, this time right next to my feet. All of us sitting around bent down to help him and made him sit on the seat. People looked around for water to give him. The boy began sobbing out of sheer helplessness and we looked at each other with a sad expression. We didn’t know what he was feeling, but we had some clue. It wasn’t the fact that he was hurt that made him cry. It was the realization that he couldn’t do the simplest of things without people’s help and his poverty only made things worse.
As he sat on the seat quietly, some people offered him whatever food they had, thinking that he was feeling faint and therefore unable to stand up. Someone gave him an apple, one a dairymilk chocolate. He put the things in his bag without a word.
I searched in my bag for something I could give him. Knowing that an apple or sweet won’t fill his stomach, I gave him the only thing I had: a bag filled with dinner that I had packed for my friends back home. I offered it to him telling him that he should eat it otherwise he wont be able to get up. He had to go all the way back to Churchgate and he needed something solid in his stomach.
Once again he put the bag of food in the plastic bag with the apple. People around him told him to eat it then instead of saving it for later. He told them that he had to take it home to his brother because he hadn’t eaten anything for so long.
Nothing anyone would say made him eat. He just took a tiny bite of the apple and then stood up again.
By this time I had got up from my seat to give place to a pregnant lady, and was standing near the door. I saw the boy limp towards the door step. I reached out to help him, but he didn’t need any help. When the next stop came, he got off on his own, and went and sat on the weighing machine on the platform. In a couple of seconds, the train pulled away from the station and began chugging steadily.
I simply looked at the boy, sitting there alone as the mass of humanity that is Mumbai walked on by without a glance in his direction.
Mumbai is home to people of every kind. If you’ve only seen the good, know that there is the sadder side of the story too. And if you think people are only selfish, then there are the good ones too.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I’ve realized this after just three days of being here.
I’m turning into one of them.
Maybe not entirely, but I think I can see myself getting there in no time.
But there’s a difference. The difference is that I’m noticing it, and I know its happening. Do I want it to happen? Do I like what’s happening? I’m not sure. But how much time do I have before I am just one of those unknown faces in the crowd?
When I’d spoken to my friend about wanting or not wanting to be here, where I am right this moment, she’d thought I was insane of even thinking about not coming back. How anyone could not love this city, is what she couldn’t understand. I tried telling her that this was not me. That I couldn’t live a life in perpetual hurry. People running from one place to the other, not even glancing at the person next to them. The only interactions they have are with clients, contacts or those they meet while traveling. I couldn’t be like them. I couldn’t be cold and business-like and not give a damn about anyone but myself.
I haven’t turned into that person yet. I know that. But I feel like it’ll happen. And even though I like it in a way, I don’t know if I’ll be happy always. On the other hand, the way I see it, me becoming that person won't be so bad after all. Atleast it'll make me stronger and not care so much about people.
I look at what I have right now. The good and the bad.
I rush to work the moment I’m awake. The only thing on my mind first thing in the morning is which local train will get me fastest to work and avoid the rush. I barely have time to eat before I leave, or get enough time to talk to my friends.
On the train too, I switch on my music and shut myself to the rest of the world. At work, I do my own thing, and at the end of 8 hours, I’m making my way back home. The same one hour back and forth, too tired to do anything but doze off as the train makes its way through Mumbai’s busiest areas.
As I get off the train and head home, I’m practically running. My feet move as though they’re possessed by some unknown force. I stop for nothing and no one and I look straight ahead without noticing what’s around me.
Back home I’m too exhausted to do anything but hit the sack and be dead to the world.
The next morning, it’s the same story.
But then, I have to be fair. There is the better side.
When I wake up in the morning, I sit up and the first thing I see is the incredible view outside my window. Nothing beats that feeling. Its 7 am and it’s still foggy outside. I can see tall buildings till the farthest end of the earth. It’s beautiful. I know, a bunch of buildings isn’t exactly what one would call a work of art, but you have to see it to believe it. I feel on top of the world. Literally.
On my way to work, I watch the city go by. And that’s when I have all the time in the world to simply sit and stare. Somehow, it’s still misty outside and all those buildings that I have to strain my neck to see disappear into the clouds. It’s amazing to see that even these man-made structures make your heart stir.
When I’m in the cab that takes me to my office, I sit with my head out of the window and yet again, I’m amazed at what I see. Buildings are crammed in every inch in Mumbai, and still, the sight of those massive concrete blocks is an entirely different feeling. You know how you see flowers blooming and sprawling lawns or rolling mountains and endless waters and feel like the world just doesn’t get better than this? You feel like nothing inspires you more? That you could be in this place forever?
It’s strange, but I somehow get that feeling here too.
But one of the best things is what I see when I’m leaving for home. I get into a cab and as I drive along marine lines, there’s nothing more incredible. For those familiar with the Manhattan skyline, it’s the closest thing to that. The sea stretches out in front of you and across that, you can see a whole new side of the city. Rows and rows of buildings of varying heights line the seashore. They’re speckled with innumerable spots of yellow and red and blue. Billboards light up the sidelines. The lamp-posts along marine drive can be seen curving along the coastline till as far as the eyes can see. The wind blows through your hair and the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks fills your ears.
I can’t imagine working anywhere else. Where else will I get a view like this? Where else will I be at a place that inspires me like no other? Where I am just like every other person yet my own individual self?
It’s a debate that’s going on inside of me. Do I like it here or do I not? Do I want to be here? Do I want to let Mumbai work her magic on me just as she’s done with everyone who’s ever been here?
Even as I contemplate what I feel, I tell myself, ‘ if its happening, let it happen. Don’t fight it.’
I’m turning into one of them.
Maybe not entirely, but I think I can see myself getting there in no time.
But there’s a difference. The difference is that I’m noticing it, and I know its happening. Do I want it to happen? Do I like what’s happening? I’m not sure. But how much time do I have before I am just one of those unknown faces in the crowd?
When I’d spoken to my friend about wanting or not wanting to be here, where I am right this moment, she’d thought I was insane of even thinking about not coming back. How anyone could not love this city, is what she couldn’t understand. I tried telling her that this was not me. That I couldn’t live a life in perpetual hurry. People running from one place to the other, not even glancing at the person next to them. The only interactions they have are with clients, contacts or those they meet while traveling. I couldn’t be like them. I couldn’t be cold and business-like and not give a damn about anyone but myself.
I haven’t turned into that person yet. I know that. But I feel like it’ll happen. And even though I like it in a way, I don’t know if I’ll be happy always. On the other hand, the way I see it, me becoming that person won't be so bad after all. Atleast it'll make me stronger and not care so much about people.
I look at what I have right now. The good and the bad.
I rush to work the moment I’m awake. The only thing on my mind first thing in the morning is which local train will get me fastest to work and avoid the rush. I barely have time to eat before I leave, or get enough time to talk to my friends.
On the train too, I switch on my music and shut myself to the rest of the world. At work, I do my own thing, and at the end of 8 hours, I’m making my way back home. The same one hour back and forth, too tired to do anything but doze off as the train makes its way through Mumbai’s busiest areas.
As I get off the train and head home, I’m practically running. My feet move as though they’re possessed by some unknown force. I stop for nothing and no one and I look straight ahead without noticing what’s around me.
Back home I’m too exhausted to do anything but hit the sack and be dead to the world.
The next morning, it’s the same story.
But then, I have to be fair. There is the better side.
When I wake up in the morning, I sit up and the first thing I see is the incredible view outside my window. Nothing beats that feeling. Its 7 am and it’s still foggy outside. I can see tall buildings till the farthest end of the earth. It’s beautiful. I know, a bunch of buildings isn’t exactly what one would call a work of art, but you have to see it to believe it. I feel on top of the world. Literally.
On my way to work, I watch the city go by. And that’s when I have all the time in the world to simply sit and stare. Somehow, it’s still misty outside and all those buildings that I have to strain my neck to see disappear into the clouds. It’s amazing to see that even these man-made structures make your heart stir.
When I’m in the cab that takes me to my office, I sit with my head out of the window and yet again, I’m amazed at what I see. Buildings are crammed in every inch in Mumbai, and still, the sight of those massive concrete blocks is an entirely different feeling. You know how you see flowers blooming and sprawling lawns or rolling mountains and endless waters and feel like the world just doesn’t get better than this? You feel like nothing inspires you more? That you could be in this place forever?
It’s strange, but I somehow get that feeling here too.
But one of the best things is what I see when I’m leaving for home. I get into a cab and as I drive along marine lines, there’s nothing more incredible. For those familiar with the Manhattan skyline, it’s the closest thing to that. The sea stretches out in front of you and across that, you can see a whole new side of the city. Rows and rows of buildings of varying heights line the seashore. They’re speckled with innumerable spots of yellow and red and blue. Billboards light up the sidelines. The lamp-posts along marine drive can be seen curving along the coastline till as far as the eyes can see. The wind blows through your hair and the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks fills your ears.
I can’t imagine working anywhere else. Where else will I get a view like this? Where else will I be at a place that inspires me like no other? Where I am just like every other person yet my own individual self?
It’s a debate that’s going on inside of me. Do I like it here or do I not? Do I want to be here? Do I want to let Mumbai work her magic on me just as she’s done with everyone who’s ever been here?
Even as I contemplate what I feel, I tell myself, ‘ if its happening, let it happen. Don’t fight it.’
LIVE from Mumbai III
23 Feb
Nariman point
im back people. lemme fill u in on what happened last night.i finished work at 7 and then got a cab to Churchgate and then a Borivili slow to Malad. it felt incredible to be traveling by myself. i felt brave and proud of myself. i got off at d station and this time didn't get lost. walked till the restaurant my friends were waiting at. they all had just got back from office too and we were all bursting to talk about our day. we exchanged stories over jeera rice and dal fry, frostick and ganga-jamuna juice. it was awesome.we were so excited about everything. we walked back home and got ready for bed.
we then decided to watch Band Bajaa Baraat since we had to wait for another friend to be back at about 12.
we lay down to watch the movie and less than half the way i fell asleep.
now that's a great thing for me because for the past 2 years or so i haven't been able to sleep at night. but for the past 3 nights I've been falling asleep early and that too been getting good sleep. so that's a huge deal for me.
now to today's events so far.
i had to go for a press conference at the Taj Presidential today for the launch of a holiday maker's report. there i met Sanjeev Kapoor, "the most celebrated face of Indian cuisine” as people describe him. as i sat waiting for the pc to start, my friend saw him sitting by himself and told me to go talk to him. i was apprehensive of doing that. for one, he's such a well-known person, i felt so small in front of him. secondly, what do i talk to him about?
my friend finally pushed me out of my seat and i went in front to speak to Sanjeev Kapoor.
my heart beating a 100 miles per second, i introduced myself to him and he smiled and extended his hand.
i asked him if we could talk for a while and he said sure.
we spoke about many things, he told me about where all he likes to travel, what he wants from a vacation, he told me anecdotes of when he went to Delhi and Agra, his trips abroad, about how he is strict about what his kids eat and that on Sundays if he's home and something that his kids don't like is cooked, the kids ask him why he's at home on a Sunday! he was great. i didn't feel like he was this big person I've seen on tv so often. he spoke really nicely and we were laughing together and he told me that there was a spelling mistake on one of the banners.
i felt so good after that. and i was incredibly happy that my friend was there to get me out of my shell.
the pc was followed by awesome food. pepper chicken, mutton, chicken salad, fried potatoes, paneer, ice-creams, jalebi and chocolate mousse.
we then took a cab to Churchgate since i didn't know how to get from Cuffe Parade till Nariman. So got off at the station and took another cab to Jolly Maker.
at work right now, i shared my story ideas with my colleague and she said to make a list of ideas and we can send them to Delhi by the weekend.so I'm hoping that I'll be getting work to do real soon.
oh, and while we were traveling to work in the morning, we did our first girl shopping: we bought bangles. we plan to go shopping on Sunday.
so that's all for now.will be back with much more later.
Nariman point
im back people. lemme fill u in on what happened last night.i finished work at 7 and then got a cab to Churchgate and then a Borivili slow to Malad. it felt incredible to be traveling by myself. i felt brave and proud of myself. i got off at d station and this time didn't get lost. walked till the restaurant my friends were waiting at. they all had just got back from office too and we were all bursting to talk about our day. we exchanged stories over jeera rice and dal fry, frostick and ganga-jamuna juice. it was awesome.we were so excited about everything. we walked back home and got ready for bed.
we then decided to watch Band Bajaa Baraat since we had to wait for another friend to be back at about 12.
we lay down to watch the movie and less than half the way i fell asleep.
now that's a great thing for me because for the past 2 years or so i haven't been able to sleep at night. but for the past 3 nights I've been falling asleep early and that too been getting good sleep. so that's a huge deal for me.
now to today's events so far.
i had to go for a press conference at the Taj Presidential today for the launch of a holiday maker's report. there i met Sanjeev Kapoor, "the most celebrated face of Indian cuisine” as people describe him. as i sat waiting for the pc to start, my friend saw him sitting by himself and told me to go talk to him. i was apprehensive of doing that. for one, he's such a well-known person, i felt so small in front of him. secondly, what do i talk to him about?
my friend finally pushed me out of my seat and i went in front to speak to Sanjeev Kapoor.
my heart beating a 100 miles per second, i introduced myself to him and he smiled and extended his hand.
i asked him if we could talk for a while and he said sure.
we spoke about many things, he told me about where all he likes to travel, what he wants from a vacation, he told me anecdotes of when he went to Delhi and Agra, his trips abroad, about how he is strict about what his kids eat and that on Sundays if he's home and something that his kids don't like is cooked, the kids ask him why he's at home on a Sunday! he was great. i didn't feel like he was this big person I've seen on tv so often. he spoke really nicely and we were laughing together and he told me that there was a spelling mistake on one of the banners.
i felt so good after that. and i was incredibly happy that my friend was there to get me out of my shell.
the pc was followed by awesome food. pepper chicken, mutton, chicken salad, fried potatoes, paneer, ice-creams, jalebi and chocolate mousse.
we then took a cab to Churchgate since i didn't know how to get from Cuffe Parade till Nariman. So got off at the station and took another cab to Jolly Maker.
at work right now, i shared my story ideas with my colleague and she said to make a list of ideas and we can send them to Delhi by the weekend.so I'm hoping that I'll be getting work to do real soon.
oh, and while we were traveling to work in the morning, we did our first girl shopping: we bought bangles. we plan to go shopping on Sunday.
so that's all for now.will be back with much more later.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Live from Mumbai-II
22 Feb, 2011
Nariman point
so as i was saying, i reached work. there wasn't much to do, being the first day and all. i met my colleagues, met the bureau chief. and went about checking my mails. at about 2:15 i stepped outside for lunch. went to this mall called CR2 and ordered for aloo tikki chaat. i waited for like eternity for my food, starving all the while and glancing at my watch every 2 minutes. finally at about a quarter to 3, the guy behind the counter hands me the tray, saying, " sorry for the delay ma'm. here's a complimentary pepsi." i smile at him, say thank you and walk towards a table closest to the tv. as i got ready to enjoy my meal, while watching some match, i pierced my spoon into the aloo tikki and what should i find there but.....wait for it....dahi (curd)
now those who know me know how absolutely crazily i hate dahi. i cant stand it. i wont have it on my plate, i wont sit next to a person who eats dahi, i wont pass it to anyone. nothing.the sight of it makes me puke. that's how much i detest dahi.
but there i was. all alone. by myself. in a huge mall.i didn't know a soul there. who could i complain to? i had no choice.
i took a deep breath, mixed it all up and ate it.
no more discussion on that. just want to say that its one incident i will never forget.
later in the day, got around to do so some work. made a few calls.and then left work at 7.
caught a cab to Churchgate and then my friend called me up and she told me she'll some meet me there.
she came in a while and we went rambling. she took me to Mondy's and then walked the streets of Colaba Causeway. we then went to see the Gate Way of India and the Taj. it was awesome. and the weather was incredible.
we took a cab back to Churchgate and then we traveled together till Bandra and from there i went to Malad,on my own :)
reached the station and my friend came to pick me up. but i got lost. he was on the east end and i was on the west. and that too the south of the west end and he towards the north. it took us a while but then we found each other and picked up dinner.
back home, we had dinner, i had a wash and then crawled into my bedding.
it was along tiring day. i was exhausted. not from the work, cuz i didn't work, but from all the traveling i guess.i was dirty too. i told my friend that i wish i could say that i smell of Bombay, but i smell of filth. and she said, "that IS Bombay"
more of my adventures later.
Nariman point
so as i was saying, i reached work. there wasn't much to do, being the first day and all. i met my colleagues, met the bureau chief. and went about checking my mails. at about 2:15 i stepped outside for lunch. went to this mall called CR2 and ordered for aloo tikki chaat. i waited for like eternity for my food, starving all the while and glancing at my watch every 2 minutes. finally at about a quarter to 3, the guy behind the counter hands me the tray, saying, " sorry for the delay ma'm. here's a complimentary pepsi." i smile at him, say thank you and walk towards a table closest to the tv. as i got ready to enjoy my meal, while watching some match, i pierced my spoon into the aloo tikki and what should i find there but.....wait for it....dahi (curd)
now those who know me know how absolutely crazily i hate dahi. i cant stand it. i wont have it on my plate, i wont sit next to a person who eats dahi, i wont pass it to anyone. nothing.the sight of it makes me puke. that's how much i detest dahi.
but there i was. all alone. by myself. in a huge mall.i didn't know a soul there. who could i complain to? i had no choice.
i took a deep breath, mixed it all up and ate it.
no more discussion on that. just want to say that its one incident i will never forget.
later in the day, got around to do so some work. made a few calls.and then left work at 7.
caught a cab to Churchgate and then my friend called me up and she told me she'll some meet me there.
she came in a while and we went rambling. she took me to Mondy's and then walked the streets of Colaba Causeway. we then went to see the Gate Way of India and the Taj. it was awesome. and the weather was incredible.
we took a cab back to Churchgate and then we traveled together till Bandra and from there i went to Malad,on my own :)
reached the station and my friend came to pick me up. but i got lost. he was on the east end and i was on the west. and that too the south of the west end and he towards the north. it took us a while but then we found each other and picked up dinner.
back home, we had dinner, i had a wash and then crawled into my bedding.
it was along tiring day. i was exhausted. not from the work, cuz i didn't work, but from all the traveling i guess.i was dirty too. i told my friend that i wish i could say that i smell of Bombay, but i smell of filth. and she said, "that IS Bombay"
more of my adventures later.
Monday, February 21, 2011
LIVE from Mumbai
21st Feb, 2011
Malad/Nariman point
the alarm rang at 6:00 am this morning and i opened my eyes.turning the alarm off i looked around the room, trying to remember where i was. everything looked different. and then i realised. everything Was different; i was in Mumbai. and this was my first morning.
i got up from the bedding with a smile and walked to the glass windows that cover an entire wall.i rolled the windows to one side and stared at the unbelievable view. it was early morning, the wind was blowing on my face and i could practically see the whole of Mumbai from where i stood. on the 10th floor, the world was a very different sight. sky high buildings stretched for miles and miles ahead of me. beyond the buildings were the faint shadows of hills, almost violet in the early hours of the morning. a sudden sound of beating drums shook me out of my daze and i saw a procession of jain priests on the street below.
i looked at my watch and realised i had been day dreaming for too long.
had a wash, bath, had my first mug of hot bournvita milk in b'bay and got dressed. said my prayers, wished my friends all the best for their first day at work and we left for the much dreaded local train ride.
we watched the first couple of locals whiz past us, as we looked at the crowd hanging from every inch of the train. we finally got onto the 3rd train and made our way into the ladies 1st class boogie. it was surprisingly empty and we learnt tht the ladies special had just gone which explained the fewer number of women. we hung onto the handle, mumbaiya style.got place to sit later and then it was almost empty by the time we reached my stop: Churchgate.
got off, had something to eat and then took a cab to Nariman point.
reached Jolly Maker Chambers II and stood infront of it in awe..it was massive.as i told someone, it seems grand enough to have the President walk out of it. it scared me.but again,my friends hugged me and wished me all the best and told me tht il do just fine.
dts all for today..more on the details of my first day at work in 'the city that never sleeps' later.
signing off.
PS: will add pics later.
Malad/Nariman point
the alarm rang at 6:00 am this morning and i opened my eyes.turning the alarm off i looked around the room, trying to remember where i was. everything looked different. and then i realised. everything Was different; i was in Mumbai. and this was my first morning.
i got up from the bedding with a smile and walked to the glass windows that cover an entire wall.i rolled the windows to one side and stared at the unbelievable view. it was early morning, the wind was blowing on my face and i could practically see the whole of Mumbai from where i stood. on the 10th floor, the world was a very different sight. sky high buildings stretched for miles and miles ahead of me. beyond the buildings were the faint shadows of hills, almost violet in the early hours of the morning. a sudden sound of beating drums shook me out of my daze and i saw a procession of jain priests on the street below.
i looked at my watch and realised i had been day dreaming for too long.
had a wash, bath, had my first mug of hot bournvita milk in b'bay and got dressed. said my prayers, wished my friends all the best for their first day at work and we left for the much dreaded local train ride.
we watched the first couple of locals whiz past us, as we looked at the crowd hanging from every inch of the train. we finally got onto the 3rd train and made our way into the ladies 1st class boogie. it was surprisingly empty and we learnt tht the ladies special had just gone which explained the fewer number of women. we hung onto the handle, mumbaiya style.got place to sit later and then it was almost empty by the time we reached my stop: Churchgate.
got off, had something to eat and then took a cab to Nariman point.
reached Jolly Maker Chambers II and stood infront of it in awe..it was massive.as i told someone, it seems grand enough to have the President walk out of it. it scared me.but again,my friends hugged me and wished me all the best and told me tht il do just fine.
dts all for today..more on the details of my first day at work in 'the city that never sleeps' later.
signing off.
PS: will add pics later.
Saturday, February 19, 2011

im scared...terrified...and much more than that.. for the last couple of years, i had dreamt of meeting her, being with her, getting to know her..i wanted to know her like others do.. i was so in awe of her. i wanted to see her from up close. but was too scared to touch her. i never made the attempt..never thought she'd let me..never thought i'd get the chance..but i did..i've got the chance now.. to see what she's like..i was curious to know if everything that people said about her was indeed true. and now i will. i donno if i'll see the same things in her that others do, but now atleast i'll know..i'm going to be spending everyday with her for the next 30 days or so. and while the excitement is indescribable, the fear is even more. i dont wanna fall in love with her, i just want to get to know her. i dont wanna be a part of that crazy fan following that she has. i dont wanna be just another face in the crowd.i want her to know me, to like me and accept me the way i am, because i dont want to be anyone other than that. im glad that i've finally found her, but i hope i dont lose myself in the bargain.. one month, is all i have..and maybe all i need..to know if she's the one i wanna spend the rest of my life with..
Wish me luck, everyone....I'm going to Mumbai.
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