DO BIGHA ZAMEEN (1953) has been directed by Bengali film director Bimal Roy and is set in the India of the early 1950’s. Starring Balraj Sahni, Nirupa Roy and Master Ratan, the film depicts the adversities of the people of rural India, post independence. The story centers around the struggle of Shambu (Sahni) to retain his land from the clutches of the Zamindar. A story of sacrifices and compromises, Shambu puts on stake everything he owned and leaves for Kolkata (then Calcutta) only to discover a whole new life filled with trials and tribulations. The film very accurately reveals the stark contrast between rural and urban India of the period, bringing out, with full honesty, the deterioration of the agrarian sector with the rise of capitalism.
There are superb images in the film that bring out the oppression and miseries of the characters with true meaning and give the real picture of their lives.
Keeping in mind the culture of Indian cinema of that time, there is sufficient melodrama, emotions and tragedy to satisfy the audience. However, with splendid performances from the star cast, it comes out as perfectly natural and effortless. They move the audience throughout the film and keep them enticed all along. With just the right amount of humor and at just the right places, they manage to make the audience laugh and cry along with them.
The music has been given by Salil Chaudhary and its soulful and heart-wrenching tunes add to the depth of the film.
I guess one of most profound reviews for this Great Movie, I might be wrong- but cannt deny the fact that it has come after deep thinking and happy living..Ciao,