After a late night conversation, I finally discovered how people are in accordance to the kind of job they do. I have, in my own personal way, figured out that though there are millions and billions of people in the world, and each is different from the other, there are, in fact, just THREE kinds of people- as far as their working style is concerned. But to me, it says a lot about who they are.
The first kinds are the ones who work simply for money. It’s just a job for them. It doesn't matter what they do or who they are, they work because it pays. They detach themselves from their work and work 8-9 hours straight, like robots, like mechanical toys. They don't think about it. They don't care if they like what they do or not. And it's not as if they are in desperate need for money. They simply work because they get to spend. Job satisfaction only means a favourable environment and a good fat paycheck. I don't despise them, but I don't appreciate them either. They're not doing anything wrong, mind you. It’s just who they are. And there’s nothing wrong in that.
The second kinds are the lucky kind. They are the kind who know what they want, know what kind of work makes them happy and they find it. They take it as a hobby and they get paid for it. They love what they do. It’s the kind of thing sportsmen or writers or chefs do. They love to play. They love to write. They love to cook. It’s who they are. It’s what their heart lies in. It’s what they've always wanted to do and luckily they have got a chance to do it. Every day at work is simply like a holiday. They don’t work because they have to or because they need the money. They work because they want to. And I think it’s fabulous.
And then there are the third kinds. These are people who know what they want from a job, who’ve chalked out their dream when they were 10 or 11 years old. They know they can do it and no one else deserves it more than they do. But circumstances and life don’t work in their favour. It happens all the time. They want something but life has other plans. So they take up a different job. One that might not be what they’ve dreamed of, but one that pays; one that helps a family; one that secures a future. They resent it at first. But these are the true heroes. They put in everything they have into their job. They give in their heart and soul into it and do it like there is no other thing they want to do. They get better and better until they begin to like what they do. It takes them places. It makes them reach heights they’d never dreamed of. It makes them tough. It makes them strong. They might do something ordinary, but they’ll put something of themselves in it, they make it their own. They try new ways of making the work better, of making themselves better. And these are the kind who are most successful in life.
P.S. this post is dedicated to Lloyd, who, by the way, is the third kinda person :)